What we do
The National Community Hubs Program
The National Community Hubs Program (NCHP) supports migrant and refugee families, particularly mothers with young children, to connect, share, and learn. Hubs bridge the gap between migrants and the wider community, they connect women with schools, with each other, and with organisations that can provide health, education, and support.
Community hubs:
- Engage and connect families in culturally diverse communities
- Connect preschool children into playgroups and prepare them for school
- Provide opportunities to learn and practice English, and
- Build pathways to volunteering and employment.
Who we are
Community Hubs Australia delivers the NCHP in partnership with specialist support agencies in each state. We seek to develop greater social cohesion in Australia by helping culturally diverse people to integrate into Australian communities. We work in partnership with government, businesses, philanthropy, other not-for-profits, and community organisations to fund and facilitate locally generated programs that reduce isolation and increase connection.

The National Community Hubs Program is expanding into a number of new local government areas (LGAs)
- Armidale (New South Wales)
- Coffs Harbour (New South Wales)
- Toowoomba (Queensland)
Please join us at either of the following online EOI information sessions, which are being held via Zoom:
Wednesday 18 May 2:00pm – 3:00pm: https://tavernersgroup.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sduuhrjsvG9DLmzkvyTT48cUQHartfggM
Thursday 26 May 2:30pm – 3:30pm: https://tavernersgroup.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pdOCvrT8rHtS0V84TXYqbj-M_3I8prn5W