Why community hubs
Our community hubs are designed around a place-based and people-focused model that responds to local needs to achieve positive outcomes for children, families, schools and the wider community.
Community hubs serve as gateways that connect families with each other, with their school, and with existing services. Dozens of community hubs operate under the National Community Hubs Program, which has been recognised as a leading model to engage and support migrant women with young children. Community hubs focus on reaching women who have pre-school children and leverage existing facilities in primary schools.

A proven model
In 2021, CHA engaged Deloitte Access Economics to complete a social return on investment evaluation (SROI) of the National Community Hubs Program.
The SROI evaluation concluded that a staggering $33.9 million of social benefits were derived through participation in the community hub network in 2019 – generating a return of $2.20 for every dollar invested. The highlights of these benefits include:
- $20.3 million in improved quality of life. 84.5% of participants experienced a significant improvement in their confidence, social participation, engagement, and community connections.
- $360k reduction in school costs associated with improved development of children with difficulties. Hubs’ early years and school readiness programs reduced vulnerability for children.
- $4.6 million in improved educational outcomes. Children who participate in hubs, have an increased potential for greater lifetime earnings.
- $8.4 million in improved incomes. 280 participants found work through their hub connections.
- $307k value of volunteer hours. 1 in 3 participants volunteered in their hub or school.